Wimbledon Speakers Club 25th May 2011


CHAIR: Sally D’Innella
TIMEKEEPER: Katherine Inglis
TOPICS EVALUATOR: Vanessa Villalobos
BUSINESS SESSION: Katherine Inglis
SPEECH (LEVEL 2): Shirley Hale
EVALUATOR: Gerwyn Davies
SPEECH (LEVEL 2): Sam Williams
EVALUATOR: Philippe Truffert
SPEECH (LEVEL 7): Alice Herron
EVALUATOR: George Filbey
BIG EARS: Helen Kerr

Wimbledon Speakers Club 11 May 2011

The evening kicked off with the AGM where the previous committee were voted in for the coming year, Chrissy gave the financial update and discussions on how to grow the club were discussed.
Then the Speaking evening commenced….Michael as Chair stretched our on the feet thinking abilities by giving us a one word topic alphabetically!
Chrissy won “The Debra” prize with the letter H – House-proud. A great visual of House-proud Swiss ladies sweeping the front of their houses.
Alice as Topics evaluator gave contractive points for improvement and points of credit to all topic speekers.
Isabelle provided a lovely cup of tea ( majority Peppermint I might add) to all with nice biscuits for the break chat time.
Gareth Helmsley gave his Level four speech on Caffeen. He brought us though the history of drugs and coffee, the method of producing coffee and myths or scientific studies around the product. Chrissy evaluated Gareth.
Joseph Nurse gave a level 6 speech titled “Be Careful how you throw your words” using sayings such as Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Vanessa evaluated Joseph passing him on his speech.
George tested our memories with his Big Ears questions ( and apologised for not having sweets as treats for the right answers!).
Finally Phillip gave his General evaluation of the evening. this brought the evening to a close and a natural migration to the bar next door for further chat and refreshments.
A reminder note on End of Year dinner ticket purchase by the next meeting at the latest.

Wimbledon Speakers Club 27th April 2011

A chilled and competent chair, Vanessa guided us though the evening of of fun and challenges
including a topics session on advising Kate on who to give the last ticket to her Wedding!

Phillippe was the Topics chair encouraging us to make up a store with three unrelated words..it was tough but had great results from all.

Gerwyn Davies won the Debra prize for his Long life love affair with the baboon and later his very convincing Tom Jones impression..He also performed the Topics evaluator for the evening giving each speaker points of improvement and strenghts for their topic performance.

“Peppermint Tea” was the order of the day at the break all nicely prepared by Sally.

In the second half Helen gave her level two speech titled “Are good manners on the way out?”
Areas touched on were her personal upbringing and examples of where she had been taught to apply manners, London life and lack of manners, The train journey and listening to people on the phone.

Craig evaluated Helen on all aspects of her speech. Advising of strengths and points of improvements for future speeches. Helen successfully passed her level two speech.. well done Helen.

Alice treated us to chocolates if we got the right answer to her Big Ears questions in keeping with the season that was in it.

Katherine performed General evaluator for the evening commending Vanessa, Phillippe, Gerwyn and Craig for their performance in the roles they played for the evening.

Craig gave a reminder for the End of Year event on 17 June..more details to follow..

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