By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.
With January having finally passed, 17 souls braved the continuing winter weather to make it to Wimbledon Library to continue or start their speaking journey. More first timers.
The Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC)
With January having finally passed, 17 souls braved the continuing winter weather to make it to Wimbledon Library to continue or start their speaking journey. More first timers.
Following the format’s success last year, this session featured the return of the Group Debate. There was a marvellous turnout, with three brave first-timers and some returning for.
Following the Christmas break, it was great to be back at Speakers Club and to have so many attendees. Some regulars, several returners, and four first-timers brought the total.
I saw this picture stuck up in a coffee shop the other day and it made me think why practice and making mistakes is the best way to get.
Think about – Who is your audience? What are their needs, thoughts, and feelings? What is the purpose/objective of the presentation? An audience can only absorb three topics..
Hi, this is Wimbledon Speakers’ new website. More information and content will be available soon. We will meet every other Monday at Wimbledon Library at 6.45pm starting Monday September 16th 2024..