Wimbledon Speakers Club 23 February 2011

Michael had a busy week as he held the role of Chair, Topics Master and Business Updates roles ! The topics were challenging but fun and Michael encouraged all who took part.

Craig our Topics evaluator this week gave constructive and encouraging feedback to all. After which a welcomed cup of tea was had by all.

In the second half of the evening Helen made her Ice breaker speech on Brand Marketing which evaluated by Alice gave her a definite pass to proceed to level two. Well done Helen!

Adam Tomlinson also a new commer also gave his Ice breaker speech.
He was evaluated by Ben and he passed with flying colours for his confident and well delivered speech.

The evening was rounded off nicely by Gerwyns evalaution of the evening with the final point being ..the evening starts at 7.30PM not later!!

Next meeting is 09 March 2011 at 7.30pm sharp… an exciting evening with two level 6 Speeches and a level 2.

Wimbledon Speakers Club 09 February 2011

Sally skilfully guided us as Chair though the evening, encouraging us but keeping the standards high. While the evening was a cosy one it was just as enjoyable as usual.
Katherine had a busy evening playing many roles from General evaluator, Evaluator to Level one speech and overall updates.
Gerwyn was our entertaining topics master of the evening pushing us to respond to his topic of choice with a challening topic.
Clarke and Ben were awarded jointly “The Debra Prize” for their funny stories on their topics.
Next meeting is 23 February 2011 at 7.30pm…Hope to see you then….

Wimbledon Speakers Club – 26th January 2011 – Contest Evening

Wimbledon welcomed back former president and 2 times National Finalist Suzanne O’Brien to act a Chief Judge for this year’s Topics and Evaluation contests. Speaking to the title of ‘Born Lucky’, the usual strong field of entrants saw George come through as the 2011 Topics champion. In the Evaluation contest experience came through as Michael was judged the most effective evaluator.

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