Spring and Exam questions at the WSC

Alice, Chair for the evening, got us off to a prompt start at 7.30, with the introduction topic of “Spring and new things..”

A selection of mini speeches were developed by all which included subjects such as, clearing out the house, more outdoor activities and holidays.

Alice was also the Topics master. She choose the topic of “Exam questions.. compare and contrast”.
Topics subjects such as compare and contrast Pop music and Classical, Wearing Stilettos or runners, St Patrick’s day or St George’s day. Julie won the Debra Award with her topic “London or Paris”. She preferred London as it is more cosmopolitan, more green and general quality of life. Well done Julie!

Kalley made us all a lovely cup of tea .. (peppermint tea count was lower this week)!

Gareth gave a great personalised evaluation to all on their topic performance. Praising the good elements of their speech and giving a point of improvement to all.

Michael gave a business update. Including the new manual, Katherine’s win at the Area competition and she is competing again Sunday 18 Maidenhead. Well done Katherine and best of luck from the club on Sunday. Finally the End of Year dinner is being organised for 29 June 2012. Make sure to pop this date in your diary. Details to follow.

In the second half we had four fabulous speeches:

Level 2 – Mean what you say – Matt titled “The Law of attraction”
Matt gave a very enthusiastic and energetic speech convincing us all of the power of The book ” The Law of Attraction”
We are the products of our own thoughts..
Kalley evaluated and commended Matt on his great speech including his use of gestures.
Well done Matt and we look forward to hearing your next speech.

Level 4 – Gestures – Lissy titled “How to be a Rocket Scientist” .
Lissy brought us though how a poor boy from south Africa broke the poverty barrier and the Academia barrier ending up in Harvard working with the top scientist in the world.. all brought on by curiosity and slow build of expectations.
George evaluated Lissy passing her with flying colours and particularly pointing out there were no Umm’s or ahh’s.
Well done Lissy.. Roll on level five.

Level 4 Speech – Gestures – Julie titled “The Information Age”.
Julie walked us though the wonder of 3D technology of the future and everyday technology. Out reliance on it and the advantages of it even down to the aluminium in sunscreen to reflect the sun.
Craig evaluated Julie on her fine speech with relevant use of gestures. He was particularly pleased to have learned some new information regarding sunscreen.

Level 5 – Use if Voice – Gerwyn titled ” You can’t have it all”
Gerwyn brought to our attention the world of self help books we are surrounded by today and questioned why we need these.
Are we unhappier than in the past or do we have to be told what happiness or success are?

Sam then kept us alert with his selection of ten Big Ears questions.

Finally Michael gave a short general evaluation commending all and giving a few points of improvement.

Alice then drew the evening to a close giving us all 10/10 and inviting all to have a drink and a chat at the Antoinette.

Saturday 25th Feb, William Morris House is hosting the annual Area Contests


Club Championship competition 2012

Don’t forget on Saturday 25th Feb, William Morris House is hosting the annual Area Contests, so our recent winners from Wimbledon (Alice in Topics, Vanessa in Speech and Katherine in Evaluation) would love to see any supporters on that day. It’s an afternoon event starting at 2pm, its very light hearted and relaxed, and will offer an opportunity for some extra curricular speaking. Friendly and familiar faces in the audience are most appreciated on these occasions.

How cold was your coldest memory?

A chilly evening but we made it to our favourite Wednesday night club, wrapped up within an inch of our lives.
Michael soon got things warmed up with the “when was the last time you felt so cold” ice breaker.. (No pun intended!). Everyone got stuck in with all their tales of Skiing holidays, camping holidays…overnight stints in a car and the boiler breaking down.

Michael handed over to Isabelle for her fantastic first time as Topics chair using the Olympics, East London and Cockney slang as her topics.

Chrissy was given the Arron Tank… Alice the Early flowers and Alison the Dog and Phone…but Claire won the Show and the Debra with her cat Tiggy’s sharing of attention to fill her basic needs of food and love.

Gerwin managed a rapid fire Topics evaluation giving praise and recommendation of improvements to all before Chrissy made us all a lovely welcomed cup of tea to warm us up for the second round.

In the second half we had three speeches:
Christelle – gave a heart warming speech about her best friend. How only your best friend can get you though even a cold miserable Monday morning with their thoughtfulness right though to ending up on rocking chairs at the age 90.

Shirley’s speech Ways to happiness gave us the five ways to happiness…
A sense of belonging, helping others, learning, exercise and friendship.

Finally Gareth gave a speech on the History of flying.. Bringing us though the wonder of air travel… how it went from a rich luxuary of champagne and limosene to the vast number of travellers today who dont get as much as a sandwitch!

All passed by their evaluators Katherine, Lissie and Julie with points of praise and a few notes of improvements.

Deborah gave a few minutes of Big ears which Kalley managed to answer all the questions.. Well done Kallie!
Alice brought he evening to a close with the General evaluation and then off to the Alexandra for a catch up and chat about the evening’s entertainments…
Don’t forget on Saturday 25th Feb, William Morris House is hosting the annual Area Contests, so our recent winners from Wimbledon (Alice in Topics, Vanessa in Speech and Katherine in Evaluation) would love to see any supporters on that day. It’s an afternoon event starting at 2pm, its very light hearted and relaxed, and will offer an opportunity for some extra curricular speaking. Friendly and familiar faces in the audience are most appreciated on these occasions.

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