Wimbledon Speakers 24th November 2010

With Debra as Chair, the first half of the evening was filled with an inventive Topics session.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house from laughter, as visitor Peter regaled us with his topic “Britain has the best train system in the world…no it hasn’t ..yes it has”. He was voted as the “Debra Cup” winner of the week.

Our multi talented Chair of the evening treated us to delicious home made mince pies at the interval (to raise the blood sugar for the rival teams in the second half).

The second half of the evening, the competition was fierce between Speaker clubs Wimbledon and Camden.
Debate number one – Wimbledon SC – Deborah, Craig and George lost the motion (Despite the attendance of Darth Vader) arguing for Faith School Indoctrination Versus Camden SC – Thor, Celene and Laura arguing for Faith School Inspiration.

Debate number two – Wimbledon SC – Phillip, Chrissy, Sally won the motion for arguing Money Can buy you love Versus Camden SC – Caroline, Julie and Shane arguing for Money Can’t buy you love.

Next meeting for WSC will be the 8th December which will be the Speech Competition titled “Inspiration”….come along and join in!

Wimbledon Speakers November 10th 2010

A jam packed fun evening with Chrissy as Chair enthusiastically coaching us thought the evening.

Topics winner of the “Debra Cup” Katherine, regaled us with her appreciation of the Capital and ice-cream parlours!

Great progress with Club members climbing the Speech ladder. Four entertaining speeches, two of which were Ice-breakers. Well done to Lachlan and Tim!

The next meeting on the 24th November is the cross Club debate between Camden and Wimbledon Speakers Clubs..A competitive evening is expected!!!

The debate topics are:

Wimbledon SC arguing for Faith School Indoctrination V Camden SC arguing for Faith School Inspiration.
Wimbledon SC arguing for Money Can buy you love V Camden SC arguing for Money Can’t buy you love.

Wimbledon Speakers October 27th 2010

Sally held the reigns and guided us skilfully though the evening as Chair.

A wonderful evening of bizarre stories triggered by Craig’s inventive Topics session.

George won the Debra award for his very funny Elephant in the room story!

Phillip passed his Level 6 Speech from the heights of the 49th floor, poised and in control and Deborah completed her Ice Breaker Speech.

A fun evening had by all.

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