The Return of the Group Debate

Following the format’s success last year, this session featured the return of the Group Debate.


There was a marvellous turnout, with three brave first-timers and some returning for their second meeting.


The icebreaker asked, “Why are you here at Speakers Club tonight?” and speakers explained their reasoning and shared stories about why they want to improve their public speaking. If required, Joe O’B is available for any wedding speeches!


The idea behind the Group Debate format is for the speaker to be on stage with others, which can feel less intimidating. It also allows speakers to react to each other and respond to specific points.


Groups of three took to the stage, pressed the topic wheel of the now ubiquitous iPad, agreed on a topic, and one person took the “for” position, one the “against” position, and the third speaker was to summarize the two points of view and declare a “winner.”


An eclectic range of topics, including “If mermaids were real, should they have human rights (and legs) or be kept in sanctuaries?” kept the speakers thinking. Some of the surrealness kept the debates light-hearted, with a few “claims” needing to be fact-checked!


Sophie did an excellent job of evaluating all 14 speakers with positive feedback and areas for improvement. Throughout the evening, the Filler Word Count (with possibly a  few of my own) was –


“So” – 5

“You know” – 12

“Um”  – 43


Um! A possible area for improvement and maybe an area of focus for a future meeting.


We’ll be back at Wimbledon Library for the next session on Monday 10th February 2025, at 6.45pm.