​’The Great Wimbledon Bake Off’ (or a version thereof)

On Wednesday 3rd April 2019, in addition to our normal night of speeches and public speaking, we will be hosting our first ever The Great Wimbledon Bake Off!

If you’re thinking about taking part, just bring something in you have baked and we will vote for the tastiest offering, just as we do for the topics.

It’s by no means obligatory if you haven’t baked anything or it’s not your thing please do still come. You’re valuable. We need judges, lots of judges!

For those entering we enclose ‘House’ rules

  • We will hold a secret ballot that’s one meaningful vote
  • The bakers will not be taking control of the refreshment table
  • No one will be asking for an extension.

There will be a small prize for for the best entry.

You’re quite right if you’re thinking what has this to do with speaking in public, and the answer would be absolutely nothing (unless you want to incorporate it into your topic) and it will not take anything away from practising speaking. Voting will take place during the break.

The idea originates from a couple of requests from members to do this so who am I to deny a little happiness here and there…

So if you would like to enter, if you’re a member or guest, please come and bring your offerings on Wednesday 3rd April and join in with the slightly left of centre, centre right or just plain jam and cream in the middle activities.

Good luck everyone.